3D Printing Recycling Machine

Why go to the recycling bins when you could do it all at home and use the output to build stuff!

So where I live its a good 10 minute walk to the recycling bins, and I don’t have any bin or collection outside my house to place recyclable waste. So why can’t I just have a machine at home that recycles for me? in fact, what if the recyclable output could be reused directly? in a 3D printer! so I could build stuff…. or even the output be produced as a material or filament which can be resold cheaply to those that want it…

Perhaps in the future in the garage, next to the wall mounted electric recharging unit for your Tesla motor, you’ll also have a recycling machine. You’ll be able to download any blue-print design for a product off the internet, and directly print it out and use it.

I want to be able to open up a machine unit (like a microwave), place my plastic bottles inside, press a button and voila! out comes some nice filament that I can load directly into the 3D printer. Sure the quality might not be as good, but perhaps its good enough for some things I wanna build/prototype…

Some quick research:

  • Describing the problem and Recyclebot
  • Making the Recyclebot project yayyy
  • Recyclebots on Thingiverse
  • Time.com – How an 83-Year-Old Inventor Beat the High Cost of 3D Printing (plastic recycling)

I love this idea!!!